NEW! Social Media Series (4 Pt. Series) PART 4: Prospecting and Advertising

29 Sep

(E) Prospecting and Advertising on Social Media

(E) Prospecting and Advertising on Social Media

Friday, September 29, 2017 (1:00 PM to 3:00 PM)

East Broward - DCOTA Office, Dania Beach, Florida East Broward, Robert Rodriguez, Social Media, Tech Training

You're Registered!
Pre-requisite: Must have attended Social Media Marketing Part 1: Getting Started and Social Media Marketing Part 2: Connect, Engage, Collaborate
Learn the do's and don'ts of Facebook Advertising.  Target your audience with strategic advertising to maximize your campaigns.  Use Facebook pixels and analytics.  Advertise on Instagram to increase exposure. 

East Broward - DCOTA Office - Computer Lab
East Broward - DCOTA Office (Computer Lab)
1815 Griffin Road
Suite 104
Dania Beach, FL 33004

Map & Directions

Robert Rodriguez
Sr. Instructor of Technology Services